Crazy Heart


„I wanna talk about how bad you make this room look. I never knew what a dump it was until you came in here.”

„Son, I’ve played sick, drunk, divorced, and on the run. Bad Blake hasn’t missed a goddamn show in his whole fucking life.”

„Whole worlds have been tamed by men who ate biscuits.”

(Crazy Heart)



„They talk of free will, but we are all just homing pigeons in the end.”

„Legs, legs legs… for every arm I’ve amputated up here I’ve probably taken ten legs. Strange, isn’t it? Human legs are just not designed for modern war.”

„Elena, be nice to him. We don’t know what it’s like to go to those places and come back. And anyway, be nice to him, because he is back.”

„The world is a very complex place. There is very little of it that is black and white.”

„Well that makes perfect sense. You feel that you’re responsible because to a great degree, you are. You think I’m too harsh? How many people have you told this story to, Mark? Four? Three? Two? Twenty? And what do they say? „Oh you mustn’t blame yourself.” „Oh no, it was not your fault.” „Oh no, there was nothing you could do.” Am I correct? You have looked to others for forgiveness but, as you have discovered, this is something they cannot give you. We cannot let go of the pain, we have to carry it with us forever. That is what it means to live. Now, I can help you to live with this pain. Look at me!”


The Soloist


„You can’t hold down angels.”

„Beauty is art; music is beauty.”

„I don’t give a smooth fart whether or not we go.”

„‘Points West’ by Steve Lopez. A year ago, I met a man who was down on his luck and thought I might be able to help him. I don’t know that I have. Yes, my friend Mr. Ayers now sleeps inside. He has a key. He has a bed. But his mental state, and his well-being, are as precarious now as they were the day we met. There are people who tell me I’ve helped him. Mental health experts who say that the simple act of being someone’s friend can change his brain chemistry, improve his functioning in the world. I can’t speak for Mr. Ayers in that regard. Maybe our friendship has helped him. But maybe not. I can, however, speak for myself. I can tell you that by witnessing Mr. Ayers’s courage, his humility, his faith in the power of his art, I’ve learned the dignity of being loyal to something you believe in. Of holding onto it, above all else. Of believing, without question, that it will carry you home.”

(The Soloist)