The Walk


„Most wire walkers, they die when they arrive. They think they have arrived… But they are still on the wire. If you have three steps to do, and if you do those steps arrogantly… if you think you are invincible… You are going to die!”

„Why? That is the question people ask me most. Pourquoi? Why? For what? Why do you walk on the wire? Why do you tempt fate? Why do you risk death. But, I don’t think of it this way. I never even say this word, death. La mort. Yes of okay, I said it once, or maybe three times, just now… But watch, I *will* not say it again. Instead, I use the opposite word. Life. For me, to walk on the wire, this is life. C’est la vie.”

(The Walk)

Captain Fantastic


„There’s no cavalry. No one will magically appear and save you in the end.”

„If you assume that there is no hope, you guarantee that there will be no hope. If you assume that there is an instinct for freedom, that there are opportunities to change things, then there is a possibility that you can contribute to making a better world.”

„When you have sex with a woman, be gentle and listen to her. Treat her with respect and dignity even if you don’t love her.Always tell the truth. Always take the high road.Live each day like it could be your last. Drink it in. Be adventurous, be bold, but savour it. It goes fast.Don’t die.”

(Captain Fantastic)



„Arrival finds strength in just about everything it is comprised of. It does this to such an extent, in fact, that it’s almost impossible to break it down into individual pieces. Amy Adams is superb here, giving a subdued but deeply moving performance. A lot of the film rests on her shoulders for its twists and turns to stick the landing, but she carries it without breaking a sweat. Never given any big Oscar-esque moments, Adams tells Louise’s story in her softest moments and through her body language. It’s an astoundingly delicate performance. Renner is also solid, and accompanies Adams nicely, even if he can’t help but feel woefully overshadowed. Louise as a character is the film’s most exciting element – a woman that uses her knowledge and skills to change the world in ways it has never been changed before, all of which comes down to language. When Arrival ends, you will spend hours thinking about yourself and the language you speak and use every day. The potential behind this story was astronomical, and it delivers in spades.”
