The Great Beauty



„We’re all on the brink of despair, all we can do is look each other in the face, keep each other company, joke a little… Don’t you agree?”

„Travel is useful,it exercises the imagination.All the rest is disappointment and fatigue.Our journey is entirely imaginary.That is its strength.It goes from life to death.People, animals, cities, things,all are imagined.It’s a novel,just a fictitious narrative.Littrè says so, and he’s never wrong.And besides, anyone can do as much.You just have to close your eyes.It’s on the other side of life.”

„This is how it always ends. With death. But first there was life, hidden beneath the blah, blah, blah… It’s all settled beneath the chitter chatter and the noise, silence and sentiment, emotion and fear. The haggard, inconstant flashes of beauty. And then the wretched squalor and miserable humanity. All buried under the cover of the embarrassment of being in the world, blah, blah, blah… Beyond there is what lies beyond. And I don’t deal with what lies beyond. Therefore… let this novel begin. After all… it’s just a trick. Yes, it’s just a trick.”

(The Great Beauty)

The Zero Theorem



„It’s better than real. You’re in your computer and I’m in mine. We’re connected by memory chips and fiber optics. We’re safe here.”

„I’m sorry to interrupt, but I couldn’t help but notice this young lady’s pathological attempt to project upon you her daddy issues of abandonment…”

(The Zero Theorem)

Blue Jasmine



„Some people, they don’t put things behind so easily.”

„Anxiety, nightmares and a nervous breakdown, there’s only so many traumas a person can withstand until they take to the streets and start screaming.”

„It’s fraught with peril. They gossip, you know, they talk. I saw Danny. Yes, did I tell you? He’s getting married. A weekend in Palm Beach means I can wear… what could I wear? I can wear the Dior dress I bought in Paris. Yes, my black dress. Well, Hal always used to surprise me with jewelry. Extravagant pieces. I think he used to buy them at auction. It’s so obvious what you’re doing. You think I don’t know. French au pair.”

(Blue Jasmine)