Ashes and Snow

Ashes and Snow

„Dacã vii cu mine în clipa aceasta, minutele-ti vor deveni ore, orele-ti vor deveni zile, iar zilele-ti vor deveni o viatã.”

„De la Printesa Elefantilor,am dispãrut în urmã cu exact un an.În acea zi, am primit o scrisoare.Mã chema sã mã întorc în locul în care a început viata mea cu elefantii.”

„Te rog sã mã ierti cã linistea dintre noi a fost neîntreruptã timp de un an.Aceastã scrisoare rupe aceastã liniste.Ea marcheazã prima din cele 365 de scrisori ale mele, cãtre tine.Câte una pentru fiecare zi de tãcere.Niciodatã nu voi mai fi eu însumi,decât în aceste scrisori.Ele-mi sunt hãrti ale cãii pãsãrii.Si sunt tot ce stiu eu cã este adevãr.Îti vei aminti totul.Totul va fi ca înainte.”

„La începutul timpurilor, cerul era plin de elefanti zburãtori.În fiecare noapte se tolãneau în acelasi loc, pe cer si visau cu un ochi deschis.Când fixezi lung stelele, în noapte, privesti în ochii care nu clipesc ai elefantilor,care dorm cu un ochi deschis.Pentru a veghea mai bine asupra noastrã.”

(Ashes and Snow)

Million Dollar Baby

Million Dollar Baby

„If there’s magic in boxing, it’s the magic of fighting battles beyond endurance, beyond cracked ribs, ruptured kidneys and detached retinas. It’s the magic of risking everything for a dream that nobody sees but you.”

„I’m 32, Mr. Dunn, and I’m here celebrating the fact that I spent another year scraping dishes and waitressing which is what I’ve been doing since 13, and according to you, I’ll be 37 before I can even throw a decent punch, which I have to admit, after working on this speed bag for a month, may be the God’s simple truth. Other truth is, my brother’s in prison, my sister cheats on welfare by pretending one of her babies is still alive, my daddy’s dead, and my momma weighs 312lbs. If I was thinking straight, I’d go back home, find a used trailer, buy a deep fryer and some oreos. Problem is, this the only thing I ever felt good doing. If I’m too old for this, then I got nothing. That enough truth to suit you?”

„All fighters are pig-headed some way or another: some part of them always thinks they know better than you about something. Truth is: even if they’re wrong, even if that one thing is going to be the ruin of them, if you can beat that last bit out of them… they ain’t fighters at all.”

(Million Dollar Baby)

A Love Song for Bobby Long


„We cannot tear out a single page of our lives, but we can throw the whole book in the fire.(George Sand.)”

„We die only once, and for such a long time.(Molière.)”

„Everyone knows that books are better than life! That’s why they’re books!”

„And were an epitaph to be my story I’d have a short one ready for my own. I would have written of me on my stone: I had a lover’s quarrel with the world.(Robert Frost)”

„Time was never a friend to Bobby Long. It would conspire against him, allowing him to believe in a generous nature and then rob him blind everytime. We’d lost Lorraine. All of us. But long before she died.”

„New Orleans is a siren of a city. A place of fables and illusion. A place Lorraine had to escape from and Bobby and I had to escape to. Away from Alabama, away from lives that no longer belong to us.”

(A Love Song for Bobby Long)