Life Cycles


„Life is a river.That’s what grandad always used to say.A beginning, an end,a million different ways in between.”

„He used to metaphore my whole life,how it’d end and float,following the path of least resistance,barreling straight through the impossible.”

„Clear as air and black as night.And no matter what direction or how it’d move or what it’d look like,the point according to grandad,was that the river always moved forward.”

„What kept him running the rabbits until he was old and grey?The mystery of what lay around the bend.These days that mystery is hard to find.The river is distant and sky clouded with concrete.”

„For many of us, life’s great adventure,all its beauty, all its connection sails by unnoticed.Funny thing is the river’s never that far off.”

„But we’re also capable of great good.After all, no matter how smart we think we are,we’re just another part of the mystery.”

„Forget about everything except right now.”

(Life Cycles)

The Ides of March

„George Clooney is obviously a man that loves politics. He campaigns for people, he makes stands on issues, and he loves to be on camera talking about the state of the world. However, he’s said he’ll never run for office, because he’s got too many skeletons in his closet.

So, he does the next best thing and plays a politician in a movie. He gets to make all his stump speeches, talk about his pet issues, state his slant on things, and not actually have to deal with his herd of former girlfriends writing tell-alls or travel outside of his Italian villa (once filming is over) to get his politics heard globally.

In that sense, Clooney has the best of both worlds when it comes to The Ides Of March and he doesn’t have to worry about people voting against him. This is a political flick from Clooney, and given that he writes, directs, and plays a major role in the proceedings, it’s a personal political statement for him.”

(The Ides of March)