The Insider

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„You’d better take a *good* look, because I’m getting two things: pissed off and curious.”

„Ordinary people under extraordinary pressure, Mike. What the hell do you expect? Grace and consistency?”

„Words? While you’ve been dickin’ around at some fucking company golf tournaments, I been out in the world, giving my word and backing it up with action.”

„You manipulated me into where I am now – staring at the Brown and Williamson Building. It’s all dark except the tenth floor. That’s the legal department, where they fuck with my life!”

„Do me a favor, will you – spare me, for God’s sake, get in the real world, what do you think? I’m going to resign in protest? To force it on the air? The answer’s „no”. I don’t plan to spend the end of my days wandering in the wilderness of National Public Radio. That decision I’ve already made.”

(The Insider)