Seeking a Friend for the End of the World


„The final mission to save mankind has failed…the 70 mile wide asteroid known as ‘Matilda’ is set to collide with Earth in exactly three weeks time, and we’ll be bringing you our countdown to the end of days, along with all your classic rock favorites.”

„I’m afraid the armageddon package is extra, yes. Well, that protects you and your family against any sort of apocalyptic disaster, asteroids, obviously, plague, famine, locusts. Drawbacks? Um, the premiums are high…”

„Given the current situation, couldn’t you find it in your heart to give my friend here a fighting chance of being with the one he loves before we all reach our untimely conclusion?”

(Seeking a Friend for the End of the World)

Being Flynn


„Destiny has brought us together for one fleeting moment. Let’s not spit in its eye.”

„Your book is a virtuoso display of personality. Unfortunately, its dosage would kill hardier readers than we have here.”

„America has produced only three classic writers – Mark Twain, J.D. Salinger and me. I’m Jonathan Flynn. Everything I write is a masterpiece. And soon, very soon, I shall be known.”

„He’s seen this before. Bums sprawled out from drinking. But he’s never actually stood over the blowers – let the hot air seep into his clothes. The air is sucked out of the library. Even on the coldest nights there is too much heat inside. It’s another prison, these blowers, because once you’ve landed you can’t leave. Because one step off the blower is cold, hypothermia code, now that you’re sodden with steam. The blower is a room of heat with no walls. My father is an invisible man, in an invisible room, in the invisible city.”

(Being Flynn)



„Without words, cameras show us the world, with an emphasis not on „where,” but on „what’s there.” It begins with morning, natural landscapes and people at prayer: volcanoes, water falls, veldts, and forests; several hundred monks do a monkey chant. Indigenous peoples apply body paint; whole villages dance. The film moves to destruction of nature via logging, blasting, and strip mining. Images of poverty, rapid urban life, and factories give way to war, concentration camps, and mass graves. Ancient ruins come into view, and then a sacred river where pilgrims bathe and funeral pyres burn. Prayer and nature return. A monk rings a huge bell; stars wheel across the sky.”
